Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A few thoughts...

I was planning on writing more than this before I turned anything in, but I didn't know the deadline was Wednesday until Monday... whatever.

So I'm going to give a quick synopsis of my thoughts so far on what we've discussed in class and elaborate more later.

Life of obedience-- Yes. I agree completely. There's more to worship than rituals... its important to live a life pleasing to God or worship means nothing. I would go further than that and say that its not what we do, but where our heart is-- God really desires a broken and contrite heart. Faith without works is dead. Love is not love if you never show it. But actions without faith and love are even worse. I think worship is the same way-- it isn't about going through the emotions. But you are really worshiping in "spirit and in truth" you are going to outwardly demonstrate it... whether through singing, through obedience, through service. Just a brief thought I haven't totally thought through...

Contemporary Christian music is not as valid as old-- I disagree. I also don't think new music is better than old music. I think both are equally as pleasing to God-- it is all about the heart of the person singing them. This goes off of what I said before. Obviously details matter to God, because if you read the Old Testament commandments, they are extremely detailed. How you prepare the sheep before you sacrifice it, etc, etc. But as far as I know, there isn't anywhere that says "sing to the Lord... but only if the words are scripturally based." "worship the Lord... but only if the music is a certain style." I mean, obviously if the words are not true, you shouldn't sing them... if they contradict something in the Bible. But I think that as long as your heart is in the right place and you mean what you are singing-- it is pleasing to God. I think that meditating on a few songs for the majority of your life is pleasing to God. But I also think using a new melody and new words, singing "a new song to God" is just as pleasing. Personally, I think they are both benefitial in different ways.

Most of the rest of my thoughts on class discussions so far relate to what I just said.

1 comment:

Mark Johnson said...

This is Great! Your autobio is excelent. Thanks for sharing! I love being able to relate to in so many of those experiences that changed our lives.